Saturday, 9 April 2011

Brand - A Q&A for the Benchmarks Brand Book

April, 2011

What are the key elements that make good branding design?
Deep respect and understanding for the client companies business strategy, it’s history and vision for it’s future. I truly believe the best work is borne from a partnership approach between the client and agency, the best work is done when there is no more than a cigarette paper between the client and agency team…this closeness forces the client to become invested in the outcome and the agency to feel engaged and responsible.

How far can a campaign stray from the original branding concept?
This is almost impossible to answer. Some brands have flexibility built in to their DNA, some demand consistency. Some brands are their campaigns, with very little manifestation outside of them, some don’t run any sort of discernible campaign and manifest themselves in other ways. In theory there is little or no reason why a campaign couldn’t stray an awful long way from the original branding concept, but in my mind there would have to be an element of truth that stems from the branding, some element of the promise - that relates to the customers expectation that enables an enormous departure but within the confines of the original brand truth or vision.

How important is the logo?
Very important. But only if it is part of a brand. Logo is easy, brand is difficult. Logo costs £295 and is available from your nearest crowdsourced logo monkey website. Brand is a lifetime’s work.

Can you cite any good examples?
Every time I see one of their vans the FedEx logo makes me smile - it’s a lovely little treat of clever typography and visual metaphor, consistently applied and I think it is yet to be bettered. The aol work is nice and I love the flexibility they designed in…I also think they have to be applauded for it somehow not coming across like they’ve ‘done a Google’ (although they have). I also think the essential Waitrose extension is a great example of how a brand can extend its range into potentially dangerous territory but through keeping to the core promise can fair extraordinarily well.

What skills and qualities do you look for in design groups you may hire to do your branding design?
This relates to my earlier answer. The key quality for me is to work with people for the long-term – with shared ideals about it being a partnership. I am a fairly trustworthy client with immense respect for the creative process, I therefore look for groups that trust that, have the confidence to work openly, have passion for what they do and above all else have a conviction for doing great work.

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